Sunday, October 11, 2020

Color Block


As you both can see, I'm still watching Gina K. videos...  I liked the actual act of making this style card, but I didn't like my choice of stamps or colors.  So I will eventually be back at the drawing board for this style.  I think I'm at the point that since I'm finally back to blogging, that I don't want to fall behind and so I'm even going to post my failures.  lol  I'm also into my second year of trying to make a card a day and so far I'm caught up.  But I need to get cracking or I'll have to make a week's worth next weekend....



  1. This is pretty, and I love the colors and great leaf images! Good for you trying to post daily - I know I will never be able to reach that goal any time soon again! To answer your question, no - I doubt we'll have Halloween this year, but we haven't had trick or treaters for several years now. I make these and give them to my friends, delivery drivers and greeters are the stores like Costco. This year I don't even know if anyone will want them with all the fear of a virus, but I always made them and handed them out to people I have contact with regularly. The supermarket clerks and workers always enjoyed them. This year, who knows?

  2. I like your card...It's something that I have never tried. (I always like seeing something new. It goes on my long to do list)
