Tuesday, August 13, 2024

 Lost In The Shuffle

I kind of got lost in the summertime shuffle.  Lots of yard work, etc.  I made these quick cards a few weeks ago.  Not sure of the maker, they are quite old and thickly mounted red rubber.  

The main reason I got lost in the shuffle is because I am frantically working on a mass quantity of Halloween cards for my friend, Tracy, who does Treats For Troops, and she needs them in September.  How can it be only a couple of weeks until it's September already!!!  Anyway, I'm well on my way with a batch of cards for her.

More to follow.....

1 comment:

  1. Your posts were not coming up in my feed for some reason, but I'm glad to see what you've been up to with this post! That's a great fall collection and I love the images and papers. The only one I know is the pumpkins and that's a Dr's Designs stamp. I know because I have it :) Good job on all of these. I never heard of treats for troops but it sounds like a great organization to make cards for. I really hit the skids with cardmaking when OWH closed :(
